Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Interesting Photos from Paris

I am not being neglectful, I promise. I am just incredibly busy with work. Everyone is preparing to flee Paris for the month of August, so I've been run ragged with work and social events. Instead of posting anything meaningful, here are a few 'cool' photos I caught with my crappy phone.

My street's homeless man's digs. Don't know how he expects to actually watch the television as there is not an electrically outlet.

One of the many reasons I love Paris. This advertisement is sponsored by the Mayor of Paris. Imagine such an ad in the U.S. Yeah, I can't either. At first, I really liked it because it is cheeky and a bit classy but after I thought about it for a while...well, why is it the woman's best friend? Shouldn't it also be the man's best friend?

My neighborhood bonbon vendor's hub. Notice the 'I want crack from Noy York' and 'I got macaroni cheese.' No idea what the little vandals were thinking.


J said...

Don't worry, those condom ads also have a male version that say man's best friend. :)

buffalodick said...

" Don't be silly, wrap your Willy" or so it goes in the States...

Anonymous said...

Cool selection!

Love the TV... do you think he has to pay the "redevance"? :D

buffalodick said...

It's women's friend.. no man has ever gotten pregnant, but plenty have had to raise a kid by themselves..

buffalodick said...

In the words of Jimmy Buffet, "Time to come home Mr. Paperman, time to come home"...(Taken from "Don't Stop The Carnival")...