Thursday, April 29, 2010

Who Knew?

Seriously, I never would have guessed that there was a chapter of the Hell's Angels in Paris. Or that I've walked by it several times without ever noticing it. Granted, it isn't as if it is in a highly visited area of Paris. I would even go so far as to bet most people who live here never venture to that specific area (it's in the Indian grocery area past the two big train stations), but I go there a lot. As a matter of fact, I go shopping there for English, Indian and American products at least twice a month and I have honestly never noticed this building. Isn't it strange how we can be so oblivious to our surroundings? Now I am totally curious as to the type of people who are members of this club and what they do. I didn't think the Hell's Angels advertised their existence so, um, proudly.


Jules @ Lovely Las Vegas said...

Interesant... The street that I grew up on ended up having a Hells Angels house when I was in high school... It was a little more suttle (spelling?) since it was in a cluster of homes. In Reno, Nevada, however, I've seen bold signage on their Hells Angels home, kind of similar to your Parisian building...

Anonymous said...

I had NO idea either!

The Hell's Angels are huge in Montreal. When I first came to Canada, I was very surprised they would make headlines all the time. I thought they were almost a legend...!

buffalodick said...

What do they ride- Vespas? HeeHeeHee!

Parisbreakfasts said...

but what arrondissement is it?
You get tea ant things there..
mystifying...the 10th ?