Saturday, May 01, 2010

Fellow Blogger's Visit

Ridiculously rich chocolat chaud at the famous tea house Angelina's

When I first moved to France I used this blog as way to get rid of my frustrations of living in a foreign country, talk about the insecurities of learning the language, point out the bizarre differences between my culture and theirs and as a way to share my life with my friends and family back home. Along the way, I made a few friends, thanks to this blog.

I know that internets aren't exactly the same as real friends, but some days the emails and comments I got from this blog helped me realize that my irritations were small and that I was living a dream most people would love to have a crack at. I would even say that some days these people made my day.

So why this mushy post? Two reasons: I would like to thank the folks who continue to read even though my posts are irregular, but also because I met my first blogger friend! Melissa (from Hello Melissa!) and her husband visited Europe on a work vacation and I got to spend a week with them. They are really lovely people! Apart from generally liking them, I got to play tour guide-probably my favorite part-time job-and was able to see Paris through a first time visitor's eyes.

So there you have it, internet connections don't always produce slimy, creepy men. Sometimes you meet nice, fun people!

Thanks again for visiting Tommy and Melissa!


buffalodick said...

Hey! Us slimey, creepy men need attention too... :)

Unknown said...

Well if you ever make it over here...

Contented Single said...

Buffalodick- what an interesting name!

I am not hooked on facebook, twitter and the like, but I think it's great how you can connect with like-minded people through blogging. It's a way to connect with people that may share your passion or your causes.

Been reading through your blog. Keep it up. Will use your tips on my next trip to Paris - many years away unfortunately.

Enjoy your Paris in the Spring.

Anonymous said...

I agree! I met a couple of fellow bloggers both in France and in Canada and it was great to finally meet face to face. And none of them were creepy old men! :-D

Parisbreakfasts said...

Pls send OCM my way...just curious
Also what's yr fav tea?
I can never choose in Paris..
Not true.
I usually choose something red and fake, like 4 red fruits tea at Monop.
Maybe it's time to step up?
And what Paris tips?
Now I have to read yr entire blog!
More fun than painting at the moment...ahem

Jules @ Lovely Las Vegas said...

That's really cool that you got to spend time with internet friends in Paris : ). I am sure they appreciated all your expertise of great, off the beaten track places to visit. As for the chocolat chaud... that looks yummy.