Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Christmas Champs-Elysees

Champs-Elysees is impressive year round, with its very, very, very expensive stores (think 5th Ave.), but during the Christmas season, the streets are decorated with lights and it almost seems welcoming. These pictures really do not do it any justice; trust me, it feels and looks like a modern setting of "It's a Wonderful Life" when you surface from the metro.


SB said...

hello it's the soon-to-be-a-critic teacher talking!
good to hear from you and your paris escapades.
yes, i do like the Champs.
I now need to go and have a look at NYC...
PS: i still haven't read your latest blog; judging by its title, I fear the worst...about France!

Unknown said...

yes, please prepare yourself.